Rick Pappe

High School Teacher

Rick Paape teaches high school courses and volunteers for IT and maintenance needs at CCS. He has a diploma in Bible Studies from New Tribes Bible Institute and a B.A. in Education from Concordia University Chicago. He has also studied Computer Science at the Milwaukee Area Technical College and Cardinal Stritch University. He has 14 years of experience teaching in Christian schools and 5 years as an assistant and lead school administrator.

Rick’s goal is to assist with the development of Community Christian School and to serve the Lord by assisting families with the Christian education of their children.

Rick lives in Baraboo with his wife Debra and 2 stubborn Basset Hounds. He plays guitar and accepts requests, although most of those requests have been that he play “On a Hill Far Away”.

Email: rpaape@barabooccs.com

Phone: 608-448-2191